IGT radiology has established itself in the Bay Area by offering premier radiology services both in the hospital based and free standing imaging center settings. We have brought together board certified, subspecialty trained radiologists from the top programs in the country, and combined these skill sets with a commensurate level of service to our patients and referring physicians.
This new technology combines the power of matching physiologic cell activity identified on PET, with the pin point anatomic location of CT, all obtained in one scan and one visit. This increased diagnostic accuracy can be key whether detecting new cancer, checking response to therapy, or performing neurologic assessment such as in Alzheimer’s disease.
Our radiologists are subspecialty trained to provide a full scope of minimally invasive, radiology guided procedures. Our service line spans from joint injections and MRI arthrograms, ultrasound and stereotactic breast biopsies, to complex vascular interventional procedures as well as cancer treatments such as radiofrequency ablation or chemoebolization.